Friday, 29 May 2020

Here are the Top 10 Tips for Hair Regrowth

If you have been looking for the top tips of how to regrow your hair, here are the best ten tips for you.

Massage, massage and massage: the benefits of massage are many. It increases blood circulation which helps the hair to grow more lushly while being fully hydrated and moisturized. You can use any good, light oil for the massage.

Trimming: cutting away those pesky split-ends will give your hair a new lease on life and allow them to grow in a healthier manner.

Egg bath: remember to apply egg to your scalp on a regular basis. It is chock-full of proteins which will do wonders to your hair and help them grow more luxuriously.

Condition: don’t just shampoo your hair. Always use a conditioner whenever you clean your hair. It saves your hair from becoming dry and brittle.

Diet: have balanced meals at all times of the days. Add Omega-3 to your diet as these fatty acids prevent inflammation of the hair follicles and keep the hair healthy.

Leave your hair open: stop tying your hair up. It leads to hair breakage. So, avoid the bun. Let your hair be free-flowing.

Protein punch: proteins are amazing for your health and hair. They are the building blocks of hair and will do wonders to your hair’s growth.

Sleep well: get your eight hours of beauty sleep every night. This will aid hair growth and make you look fresh.

Stress less: worrying about hair fall won’t help! Less anxiety means better inner health and awesome hair too!

Drink: No, not alcohol! Have more water. It will rid your body of toxins and add to your hair’s health and growth too.

You can also search for the top 10 dht blocker supplements to see if any of those may arrest your hair loss. Visit for more information.